Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Self Service and You!

Welcome to Woolworths!

Here pictured above, is Woolworths new Self Serve units. Yes, they look confusing but they're not. Working at Woolworths for about a month now, I have been put on Self Serve Supervision, or suicide watch as I call it, and I am here to vent, or perhaps educate some people out there who stumble upon this blog.

Let the lights go green before you take your bags off!

This irritates me the most. They need a big sign up saying it. I have to say it at least 50 times a day. And no this is not an exaggeration.

Customer: Errggg.. It's saying I can't take my bags off, but the rack is full, how the hell am I meant to fit it all on??
Me: All you have to do is wait for these three little lights *points* to go green, than you can take your bag off
Customer: Ohh, okay.. thanks!
Serve Machine: Item has been removed from bagging area, please place item back in the bagging area
Customer: Stupid machine! I let the lights go green...

No you obviously didn't retard!!

Please take your change, notes are dispensed below the scanner...
Yes, this is annoying. You get customers coming up to you whinging, "Excuse me, I don't think the machine has paid me the correct change". Yes, as the machine said, "Your notes are dispensed below the scanner". Can you not hear the bloody beeping and the flashing red light? Are you THAT stupid? You may be old, but unless you have severe hearing problems, short sightedness and are dying of a head trauma you CAN do it!

Please scan your item, or, hit look up item...
Customer: Hey, how do I do fruit and veg?
Me: Well, like the said, just hit the look up button *points to the button*
Customer: Oh okay *stares at the button blankly*
Me: Yep, just this button here..
Customer: Ohh *reluctantly pushes the button*
Me: Now, you just find the letter of the alphabet the fruit or vege comes under, and off you go
Customer: Oh, okay, easy!
Me: I sure hope so..
*30 seconds passes*
Customer: Where's the watermelon? It's not under W..
Me: It's under M for Melon.

Seriously, do you people not think? Is it just your natural instinct to whinge and bitch. It's not that hard, it really isn't. I've literally seen 6 year old kids do it.

I don't like using these things, all it does is take jobs away from you kids...
I won't go into much detail on this.. I'll get straight to the point in saying we're paid to watch you dickheads fuck up, and fix your idiotic mistakes, for example putting a banana under the same category as an orange..

The best part of working at Self Serve is watching those who know how to do it, do it successfully and not bug me about it. It shows me that there are some smart cookies in the jar. Well, not even smart, a working brain is all it takes.

Actually, that's a lie. The best part is taking the baskets back to their homes. It's a 30 second trip to regain our sanity, 30 seconds without whinging bitching little whores who can't listen to instruction without having them directed to them multiple times.

Thank you for shopping at woolworths..

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